
@Deprecated(since = "0.7.0", forRemoval = true)
public class MethodTester(source)

Deprecated (for removal)

Since version 0.7.0

A method tester which tests properties of a class. This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the new API located in the org.tudalgo.algoutils.tutor.general.reflections package instead.


Ruben Deisenroth


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public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? extends Object> returnType, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters, boolean allowSuperClass)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? extends Object> returnType, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? extends Object> returnType, ArrayList<ParameterMatcher> parameters, boolean allowSuperClass, boolean looseReturnTypeChecking)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? extends Object> returnType)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, int accessModifier)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity, Class<? extends Object> returnType, ArrayList<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName, double similarity)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.
public void MethodTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester, String methodName)
Constructs and initializes a method tester.


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public int accessModifier
The expected access modifier count.
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public boolean allowSuperClass
Indicator if super class check are allowed.
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public ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester
A class test (used for invoking).
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The method identifier containing the name of the method and the similarity to accept alternative identifiers.
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The expected parameters of the method.
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public Class<? extends Object> returnType
The expected return type of the method.
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The resolved method that will be tested.


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public void addParameter(Class<? extends Object> type)
Adds an expected parameter matchers to this tester.
public void addParameter(Array<ParameterMatcher> parameterMatchers)
public void addParameter(Class<? extends Object> type, String name, double similarity)
Adds an expected parameters' matcher to this tester.
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public void assertAccessModifier()
Tests whether the actual access modifier count matches with the expected one.
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public void assertClassResolved()
Tests whether the class tester used to invoke the method can be resolved.
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Tests whether the class tester used to invoke the method is not null.
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public void assertConstructsNotUsed(List<Class<? extends CtCodeElement>> disallowedConstructs)
Tests whether none of the blacklisted constructs where used in the constructor.
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public void assertInvokeable()
Tests whether the method can be invoked.
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public static void assertMethodNotNull(Method m, String name)
Tests whether the specified method is not null.
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public void assertMethodResolved()
Tests whether the test method could be resolved.
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public void assertParametersMatch()
Tests whether the method parameters matches with the expected parameters.
public static void assertParametersMatch(List<ParameterMatcher> expectedParameters, List<Parameter> actualParameters, boolean ignoreNames)
public static void assertParametersMatch(Method m, String methodName, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters, boolean ignoreNames)
Tests whether the method parameters match.
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public void assertReturnType()
Tests whether the actual return type matches the expected return type.
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public void assertReturnValueEquals(Object expected, Array<Object> params)
public void assertReturnValueEquals(Object expected, String additionalMessage, Array<Object> params)
Tests whether the return value after the invocation with the specified parameters are correct.
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Assures that the method has been resolved.
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public boolean classResolved()
Returns true if the class tester used to invoke the method is not null and can be resolved.
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public static int countMatchingParameters(List<ParameterMatcher> expectedParameters, List<Parameter> actualParameters, boolean ignoreNames)
public static int countMatchingParameters(Method m, String methodName, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters, boolean ignoreNames)
Counts the matching parameters.
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public int getAccessModifier()
Returns the expected access modifier count.
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public static List<Method> getAllMethods(Class<? extends Object> clazz)
Returns all fields from a class and its super classes recursively.
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public ClassTester<? extends Object> getClassTester()
Returns the class tester used to invoke the method.
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public static String getClassTesterNullMessage(String methodName)
Generates a predefined class tester null message.
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public static String getInvalidReturnTypeMessage(String methodName)
Generates a predefined message for an invalid return type.
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public int getInvocationCount()
Gets the number of invocations.
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public List<Invocation> getInvocations()
Gets the invocations of the test method.
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Returns the method identifier containing the name of the method and the similarity to accept alternative identifiers.
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public static String getMethodNotFoundMessage(String methodName)
Generates a predefined method not found message.
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Returns the expected parameters.
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Returns the random valid parameter values.
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public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
Returns the expected class type of the test method.
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public static String getShouldNotHaveParameterMessage(String methodName)
Generates a predefined should not have parameter message.
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Returns the method that should be tested.
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public Object invoke(Array<Object> params)
Invokes test method using the class tester.
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public boolean invokeable()
Returns true if the method can be invoked, more formally returns true if the class tester used to invoke the method, the method itself can be resolved.
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Invokes the test method with random parameters.
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public boolean isLooseReturnTypeChecking()
Returns true if subtype are allowed for the return type.
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public boolean methodResolved()
Returns true if test method is not null.
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public Method resolveMethod(double similarity)
public Method resolveMethod(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String methodName, double similarity, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
public Method resolveMethod(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String methodName, double similarity, List<ParameterMatcher> parameters, boolean allowSuperClass)
Resolves the method with the tolerances, more formally the method is searched first using its name.
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public static String safeArrayToString(Array<Object> array)
Represents a safe string as an array.
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public void setAccessModifier(int accessModifier)
Sets the expected access modifier count to the new value.
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public void setClassTester(ClassTester<? extends Object> classTester)
Sets the class tester used to invoke the method to the specified value.
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public void setLooseReturnTypeChecking(boolean looseReturnTypeChecking)
Sets the boolean value whether to allow subtypes for the return type.
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public void setMethodIdentifier(IdentifierMatcher methodIdentifier)
Set the method identifier containing the name of the method and the similarity to accept alternative identifiers to the specified value.
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public void setParameters(List<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
Sets the expected parameters to the specified value.
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public void setReturnType(Class<? extends Object> returnType)
Sets the expected class type of the test method to the specified value.
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public void setTheMethod(Method theMethod)
Sets the method that should be tested to the specified value.
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Verifies that the method was declared correctly.