
@Deprecated(since = "0.7.0", forRemoval = true)
public class ClassTester<T>(source)

Deprecated (for removal)

Since version 0.7.0

A class tester which tests properties of a class. This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the new API located in the org.tudalgo.algoutils.tutor.general.reflections package instead.


Ruben Deisenroth


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public void ClassTester(String packageName, String className, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? super T> superClass, List<IdentifierMatcher> implementsInterfaces, T classInstance)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.
public void ClassTester(String packageName, String className, double similarity, int accessModifier, Class<? super T> superClass, ArrayList<IdentifierMatcher> implementsInterfaces)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.
public void ClassTester(String packageName, String className, double similarity, int accessModifier)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.
public void ClassTester(String packageName, String className, double similarity)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.
public void ClassTester(String packageName, String className)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.
public void ClassTester(Class<T> clazz)
Constructs and initializes a class tester.


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public int accessModifier
The expected access modifier count.
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The class identifier containing the name of the class and the similarity to accept alternative identifiers.
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The class instance of the tested class.
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The matcher used for the interfaces that are expected to be implemented.
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public Launcher spoon
The spoon launcher which allows source code analysis and transformation.
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public Class<? super T> superClass
The expected super class.
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public Class<T> theClass
The resolved class that will be tested.


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public void addImplementsInterface(String interfaceName)
public void addImplementsInterface(IdentifierMatcher interfaceMatcher)
public void addImplementsInterface(String interfaceName, double similarity)
Adds an interface matcher used for the test class.
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public void assertAccessModifier()
Tests whether the access modifier count is correct and fails it with a predefined message if it fails.
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Tests whether the class instance of the tested class is not null.
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public static void assertClassNotNull(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String className)
Tests whether the class instance is not null and fails with a proper message if it is null.
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public void assertClassResolved()
Tests that theClass is not null and fails with the predefined message if it cannot be resolved.
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public void assertConstructorValid(Constructor<T> constructor, int accessModifier, ArrayList<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
public void assertConstructorValid(Constructor<T> constructor, int accessModifier, Array<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
Tests whether a constructor was declared correctly.
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Tests whether there are no interface extension.
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public void assertEnumConstants(Array<String> expectedConstants)
Tests whether the enum constants with the specified names exists.
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public void assertFieldEquals(Field field, Object expected)
Tests whether a field has a certain content.
public void assertFieldEquals(Field field, Object expected, String additionalMessage)
Tests whether the specified field has a specified content.
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public void assertHasGetter(Field attribute, Array<ParameterMatcher> parameters)
Tests whether the specified field has a Getter-Method.
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public void assertHasSetter(Field attribute)
public void assertHasSetter(Field attribute, Object testValue)
Tests whether the specified field has a Setter-Method.
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public void assertImplementsInterfaces(List<IdentifierMatcher> implementsInterfaces)
Tests whether all described interfaces by the specified matchers are being extended.
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public void assertIsEnum()
Tests whether the test class is an enum.
public static void assertIsEnum(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String className)
Tests whether the class instance is an enum.
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public void assertIsInterface()
Tests whether the test class is an interface.
public static void assertIsInterface(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String className)
Tests whether the class instance is an interface.
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public void assertIsPlainClass()
Tests whether the test class is a plain class.
public static void assertIsPlainClass(Class<? extends Object> theClass, String className)
Tests whether the class instance is a plain class.
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Tests whether this class is a spy.
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public void assertSuperclass()
Tests whether the super classes fo the test classes matches the specified super classes.
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Resolves the class if necessary.
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Makes the class a spy if not done already.
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Returns instance of a class tester with the needed configuration for spoon.
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public boolean class_resolved()
Returns true if theClass is not null.
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public boolean classInstanceResolved()
Returns true if the class instance of the tested class is not null.
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public Class<T> findClass()
Resolves a class with the current class name and similarity.
public Class<T> findClass(double similarity)
Resolves a class with the specified similarity.
public Class<T> findClass(String packageName, String className, double similarity)
Resolves a class with the specified name and similarity.
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public static T findInstance<T>(Class<? super T> clazz, String className)
Resolves an instance of a given class (even abstract).
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public static Class<? extends T> generateDerivedClass<T>(Class<T> clazz, String className, String derivedClassName)
Generates a derived class from a specified class.
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public int getAccessModifier()
Returns the expected access modifier.
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Returns all fields of the test class and its super classes.
public static List<Field> getAllFields(Class<? extends Object> clazz)
Returns all fields of a class and its super classes recursively.
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Returns the class matcher used on the test class.
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Returns class instance of the tested class.
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public static String getClassNotFoundMessage(String className)
Generates a predefined class not found message.
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public static Object getDefaultValue(Class<? extends Object> type)
Returns the default value for the specified type.
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public static String getEnumConstantMissingMessage(String constantName)
Generates a predefined message for a missing enum constant.
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public Enum<? extends Object> getEnumValue(String expectedName, double similarity)
Returns a specific enum value.
public static Enum<? extends Object> getEnumValue<T>(Class<Enum<? extends Object>> enumClass, String expectedName, double similarity)
Returns the specified enum value.
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public Object getFieldValue(Field field)
Returns the field content.
public static Object getFieldValue(Object instance, Field field)
Returns the content of a field.
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Returns the implemented interfaces of the tested class.
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public static String getInterfaceNotImplementedMessage(String interfaceName)
Generates a predefined interface not found message.
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public MockingDetails getMockingDetails()
Returns the MockingDetails of theClass.
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public T getNewInstance()
Returns a new test class instance.
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Returns a new test class instance.
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public Enum<? extends Object> getRandomEnumConstant()
Returns a random enum constant.
public static Enum<? extends Object> getRandomEnumConstant(Class<Enum<? extends Object>> enumClass, String enumClassName)
Returns a random enum constant from the available enum constants.
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public static Object getRandomValue(Class<? extends Object> type)
Returns a random value for the specified type.
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public Launcher getSpoon()
Returns the spoon launcher which allows source code analysis and transformation.
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public Class<? super T> getSuperClass()
Returns the super class of the tested class.
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public Class<T> getTheClass()
Returns the test classes if it is already resolved.
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public boolean is_mock()
Returns true if theClass is mocked.
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public boolean is_spy()
Returns true if theClass is a spy.
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public static T legacyFindInstance<T>(Class<? super T> clazz, String className)
Resolves an instance of a given class (even abstract).
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public ClassTester<T> resolve()
Resolves the class and instance and stores them.
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Resolves a field (attribute) with a specified matcher.
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Finds the class to test and stores it.
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Resolves a constructor with the specified parameters.
Resolves a constructor with the parameters.
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public T resolveInstance()
Resolves a test class instance.
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Resolves the class and instance and stores them.
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Resolve a real test class instance.
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public void setAccessModifier(int accessModifier)
Sets the expected access modifier the specified value.
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public void setClassIdentifier(IdentifierMatcher classIdentifier)
Sets the class matcher used on the test class to the new value.
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public void setClassInstance(T classInstance)
Sets class instance of the tested class to the specified value.
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public void setField(Field field, Object value)
Sets a field value to the specified value.
public static void setField(Object instance, Field field, Object value)
Sets the field to the specified value.
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public Object setFieldRandom(Field field)
Sets a field value to a random value.
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public static void setFieldTyped(Field field, Object obj, Object value)
Sets the typed field to the specified value.
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public void setImplementsInterfaces(List<IdentifierMatcher> implementsInterfaces)
Sets the implemented class of the tested class to the specified value.
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public void setSpoon(Launcher spoon)
Sets the spoon launcher which allows source code analysis and transformation to the specified value.
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public void setSuperClass(Class<? super T> superClass)
Sets the super class of the tested class to the specified value.
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public void setTheClass(Class<T> theClass)
Sets the test class instance to the specified class instance.
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public ClassTester<T> verify()
public ClassTester<T> verify(double minSimilarity)
Tests whether the Class is declared correctly.