
A stringifier is a function for transforming objects to a string representations.


Dustin Glaser



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public Stringifier orElse(Stringifier stringifier)
Returns a new stringifier using the given stringifier as an alternative to the current stringifier if the current stringifier cannot create a string representation.
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public String stringify(Object object)
Creates a string representation of the given object or null, if no string representation can be created.
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public String stringifyOrElseDefault(Object object, String defaultString)
Creates a string representation of the given object or use the given default string, if no string representation can be created.
public String stringifyOrElseDefault(Object object, Supplier<String> defaultStringSupplier)
Creates a string representation of the given object or the default string supplied by the given suuplier, if no string representation can be created.
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public abstract String stringifyOrElseNull(Object object)
Creates a string representation of the given object or null, if no string representation can be created.
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Creates a string representation of the given object or use toString, if no string representation can be created.