
public class JsonParameterSet(source)

A set of test parameters that are stored in a json file.


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public void JsonParameterSet(JsonNode rootNode, ObjectMapper objectMapper, Map<String, Function<JsonNode, ? extends Object>> customConverters)
Creates a new JsonParameterSet.


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public final ObjectMapper objectMapper
The object mapper that is used to convert the json nodes to java objects.
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public final JsonNode rootNode
The root node of the json file.


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Returns a list of all available keys in the json file.
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public T get<T>(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file.
public T get<T>(String key, Class<T> type)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to the given type.
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public boolean getBoolean(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a boolean.
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public byte getByte(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a byte.
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public char getChar(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a char.
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public double getDouble(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a double.
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public float getFloat(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a float.
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public int getInt(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to an int.
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public long getLong(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a long.
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public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()
Returns the ObjectMapper that is used to convert the json nodes to java objects.
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public JsonNode getRootNode()
Returns the root node of the json file.
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public short getShort(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a short.
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public String getString(String key)
Retrieves the value of the given key from the json file and converts it to a String.
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public Context toContext(Array<String> ignoreKeys)
Returns a Context containing all available keys and their values.