
public abstract String customConverters()(source)

The name of the field in the test class that contains a map of custom converters.

For example let's assume we have a Field called customConverters in the test class:

    public final static Map<String, Function<JsonNode, ?>> customConverters = Map.ofEntries(
        Map.entry("GAME_BOUNDS", JsonConverter::toBounds),
        Map.entry("enemies", JsonConverter::toIDEnemyList),
        Map.entry("bullets", JsonConverter::toIDBulletList),
        Map.entry("player", JsonConverter::toIDPlayer),
        Map.entry("bulletOwners", JsonConverter::toIntMap),
        Map.entry("hits", JsonConverter::toIntMap),
        Map.entry("damaged", jsonNode -> JsonConverter.toMap(jsonNode, Integer::parseInt, JsonNode::asBoolean))

Then a test case could look like this:

       = "GameControllerDummyState.json", customConverters = "customConverters")
       public void testHandleKeyboardInputsEscapeLose(final JsonParameterSet params)
       throws InterruptedException, IOException {
           testHandleKeyboardInputsEscape(params, true);


the name of the field in the test class that contains a map of custom converters.