
@Deprecated(since = "0.7.0", forRemoval = true)
public final class TestUtils(source)

Deprecated (for removal)

Since version 0.7.0

A utility class used for JUnit tests which provides reflective access to some properties and assertions. This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the new API located in the org.tudalgo.algoutils.tutor.general.reflections package instead.


Ruben Deisenroth


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public final static int ANNOTATION
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public final static int BRIDGE
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public final static int ENUM
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public final static int MANDATED
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public final static int SYNTHETIC
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public final static int VARARGS


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public static void assertModifier(int expected, Class<? extends Object> clazz)
Tests whether the modifiers of a class are correct.
public static void assertModifier(int expected, Constructor<? extends Object> constructor)
Tests whether the modifiers of a constructor are correct.
public static void assertModifier(int expected, Field attribut)
Tests whether the modifiers of a field are correct.
public static void assertModifier(int expected, Method method)
Tests whether the modifiers of a method are correct.
public static void assertModifier(int expected, int actual, String name)
Tests whether the modifiers are correct.
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@Deprecated(since = "0.7.0", forRemoval = true)
public static boolean isAutograderRun()
Returns true if getTestCycle does not return null.