Package-level declarations

Das Package org.tudalgo.algoutils.tutor.general.reflections enthält Werkzeuge zum fehlertoleranten Prüfen von Deklarationen mittels Reflections.


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public class BasicEnumConstantLink extends BasicLink implements EnumConstantLink
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public class BasicFieldLink extends BasicLink implements FieldLink
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public abstract class BasicLink implements Link
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public class BasicMethodLink extends BasicLink implements MethodLink, WithCtElement
A basic implementation of a method link.
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public class BasicPackageLink extends BasicLink implements PackageLink
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public class BasicTypeLink implements TypeLink, WithCtElement
A basic implementation of a type link.
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public interface ConstructorLink implements Link, WithType, WithTypeList, WithModifiers
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public interface EnumConstantLink implements Link, WithName
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public interface FieldLink implements Link, WithModifiers, WithName, WithType
An interface used to simply access fields.
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public interface Link
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An interface used to simply access methods.
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public enum Modifier
A list of modifiers that can be used to check if a modifier is present in a given modifier.
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public interface PackageLink implements Link, WithName
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public class ReflectUtils
Utility functions for reflections.
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public interface TypeLink implements Link, WithType, WithModifiers, WithName
An interface used to simply access classes, interfaces and enumerations.
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public interface WithCtElement implements Link
A link with an CtElement.
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public interface WithDocumentation
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public interface WithModifiers implements Link
An interface for links to types with modifiers.
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public interface WithName implements Identifiable, Link
An interface for links to types with a name.
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public interface WithType implements Link
An interface for links to types with a type.
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public interface WithTypeList implements Link
An interface for links to types with a list of types.