Package-level declarations

Das Package org.tudalgo.algoutils.tutor.general.assertions enthält unsere eigenen Assertions, die auch in Jagr-Runs schöne Fehlermeldungen erzeugen.


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public final class Assertions2
The Assertions2 class roughly mimics the functionality of the org.junit.jupiter.api.
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public class Assertions3
The Assertions3 class is a collection of test utils for verifying the declarations of classes, methods, fields, etc.
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public class Assertions4
The Assertions4 class provides methods for analyzing the source code of a student solution with Spoon.
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public interface CommentFactory<RT extends Result<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>>
A type representing a factory for creating result comments.
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public interface Context
A type representing the context of a test.
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public interface Fail implements Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>
A always-failing test.
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public interface PreCommentSupplier<TR extends Result<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>>
A type representing a function for creating comments for a given result.
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public interface Property
A type consisting of a key and a value.
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public interface Result<RT extends Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>, AT extends Actual, TT extends Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>, ET extends Expected>
A type representing the result of a Test.
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public interface ResultOfCall implements Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>
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public interface ResultOfExceptionalCall<T extends Exception> implements Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>
A type representing the result of a throwable call.
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public interface ResultOfFail implements Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>
A result of a fail.
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public interface ResultOfObject<T> implements Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>
A type representing the result of a TestOfObject.
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public interface Test<TT extends Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>, ET extends Expected, RT extends Result<RT, AT, TT, ET>, AT extends Actual>
A type of a test.
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public interface TestOfCall implements Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>
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public interface TestOfExceptionalCall<T extends Exception> implements Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>
A type for testing the throwing behavior of callables.
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public interface TestOfObject<T> implements Test<TT, ET, RT, AT>
A test of an object.