Package-level declarations

Das Package org.tudalgo.algoutils.student.annotation enthält Annotationen, die bestimmte Klassen als Teil der Vorlesung kennzeichnen.


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This annotation is used to mark classes, functions or fields, that:
  • are part of the student template
  • should not be altered in any way by the student
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This annotation is used to mark methods from the standard library, that are forbidden to be used by the student in order to implement the annotated method.
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This annotation is used to mark utility classes, functions or fields, that:
  • are only present in the solution
  • are not required to be implemented or created by the student
  • are not tested by the grader
  • were not originally present in the student template
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This annotation is used to mark classes, functions or fields, that:
  • are only present in the solution
  • are required to be implemented by the student
  • are required to be created by the student
  • were not originally present in the student template
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This annotation is used to mark classes, functions or fields, that:
  • are only present in the solution
  • are required to be implemented by the student
  • are not required to be created by the student
  • were not originally present in the student template